来源: | Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 |
作者: | qubodup |
许可: | CC0 公众共享许可协议 |
描述: | A hard to describe sound that might be useful for games, in particular pinball machines and similar arcade games. This is a CC0 sound, based on (at time of download) CC0 Parrot AR drone 2.0 take off, flight and landing This is a FLAC file. It is lossless like WAV but compressed like OGG/MP3. Use Audacity or fre:ac to convert quickly to MP3/WAV/OGG. |
标签: | bash kick whip collision punch pinball hit bat |
音频格式 | flac |
声音时长 | 00:00 |
文件大小 | 102.3 KB |
比特率 | 899 kbps |
采样率 | 48000 Hz |
位深度 | 24 bit |
声道 | 立体声 |