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描述:Some bamboo wind chimes in the breeze. Recorded on a Zoom H4n.
标签: wind windchimes bamboo Hippy Gypsy windchimes wooden chimes
文件大小18.3 MB
比特率4613 kbps
采样率96000 Hz
位深度24 bit
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———— 类似的声音 ————

by gmni
by skydawn
描述:Sweet WindChimes我在2015年3月在加利福尼亚州圣胡安卡波特拉诺附近的一个超级神奇的地方录制了索尼数码录音机让我知道如果你最终使用它,我很想看看你用它做什么;)和平!www.soundcloud.com / skidanmusic
描述:添加了延迟的Bamboo Windchimes和一层被保护的
by bigfriendlyjiant
描述:在一个阳光明媚的春天早晨,花园里的竹风铃。 录制于LS10.
by bigfriendlyjiant
描述:在一个阳光明媚的春天早晨,花园里的竹风铃。 录制于LS10.
by bigfriendlyjiant
描述:在一个阳光明媚的春天早晨,花园里的竹风铃。 录制于LS10.
by bigfriendlyjiant
描述:在一个阳光明媚的春天早晨,花园里的竹风铃。 录制于LS10.
描述:On 28th November 2012 I took out with me a large and a small set of cheap bamboo chimes and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy (quality, metal) wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. My intention was to hang the chimes on the same tree that I had used for my recordings a week earlier, at Sharp Tor, by the Hunter's Path, high up on the north side of the oversteepened part of the River Teign valley known as the Teign Gorge, Devon, UK. In the event the wind, being from a northeasterly direction this time, was not sufficiently reaching anywhere along there, and I finally reluctantly went higher up on the slope, almost to the top, where a chilly breeze was coming over and moving the tree branches a bit. I hung the chimes on one tree and made one recording, but after nearly 10 minutes of rather modest activity the wind got up more and then appeared to be too continuously on the strong side, so I then moved to a nearby tree that was not catching the wind so strongly, to make the further recordings, including this one. Being this high up was not ideal, for the sound of the River Teign in the valley bottom, although still audible, is heard only indirectly and faintly, so, when listening to the recording, it is difficult to tell what is the nature of the very faint continuous roar in the background. Also, here I was very close to the grazed pasture that covers the broad top of the hill, and a result of this is that all this day's recordings are punctuated by faint moos from distant cattle that were far away and out of sight. This recording is of the two sets of bamboo chimes, which I had purchased locally in Exeter for just a few pounds each, plus the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Chimes, Soprano size. The refined ethereal, 'liquid' tone and precise tuning of these metal Music of the Spheres chimes contrast beautifully with the dry, earthy rattlings, clatterings and 'donkings' of the bamboo chimes. Indeed, these Gypsy chimes, with their particular timbre and tuning to some sort of Eastern European scale, sound at a distance like some ghostly organ playing. People who passed by while I was making recordings with these chimes tended spontaneously to use the words 'haunting' and 'magical'. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 29+ minutes full recording. http://www.broadhorizonnature.co.uk/chimesbamboogypsymezzorecordingaboveteigngorge450x405.jpgThis photo shows my recording studio for 28th November 2012 almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely away from it. The sets of chimes visible are the large and small bamboo, with the Gypsy Mezzo in the middle.Note that actually this was a first time learning experience for me with the Gypsy chimes, and actually for best effects the Gypsy chimes needed to be about twice the distance from the recorder than I actually used on this particular day, on account of their having a stronger and more penetrating tone than my other chimes. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Hama minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rycote Mini Windjammer. I have used a graphic EQ profile in WavePad to compensate for the slight muffling of the sound caused by the Windjammer.I caution that the wind noise in the microphones is bound to sound too intrusive when this recording is played back through speakers / headphones that are prone to boominess; good quality hifi speakers with extended and flat bass response are really needed for any of these recordings really to sound right. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another. N.B. Initially I gave all this day's recordings a 3dB cut of the lower bass to somewhat lighten the sound of the wind in the microphones, and so all the excerpts here from this day's recording have that bass reduction. However, subsequently, on careful listening, especially through my decent hifi speakers, I came to the conclusion that the wind noise in the microphones did not reach a level at which such processing was really necessary, and so I have subsequently restored those bass frequencies to the full recordings, with a distinct improvement in the sound as heard through my hifi speakers. Please remember to give this recording a rating http://www.broadhorizonnature.co.uk/meicon_wink.gif
by coetzee_megan12
描述:塑料风铃被震动,如果它被风或微风吹动。没有风声。在户内用Zoom H6录制。
by cmusounddesign
描述:On 28th November 2012 I took out with me a large and a small set of cheap bamboo chimes and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy (quality, metal) wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. My intention was to hang the chimes on the same tree that I had used for my recordings a week earlier, at Sharp Tor, by the Hunter's Path, high up on the north side of the oversteepened part of the River Teign valley known as the Teign Gorge, Devon, UK. In the event the wind, being from a northeasterly direction this time, was not sufficiently reaching anywhere along there, and I finally reluctantly went higher up on the slope, almost to the top, where a chilly breeze was coming over and moving the tree branches a bit. I hung the chimes on one tree and made this recording, but after nearly 10 minutes of rather modest activity the wind got up more and then appeared to be too continuously on the strong side, so I then moved to a nearby tree that was not catching the wind so strongly, to make the further recordings, including a repeat of this recordings' combination of chimes. Being this high up was not ideal, for the sound of the River Teign in the valley bottom, although still audible, is heard only indirectly and faintly, so, when listening to the recording, it is difficult to tell what is the nature of the very faint continuous roar in the background. Also, here I was very close to the grazed pasture that covers the broad top of the hill, and a result of this is that all this day's recordings are punctuated by faint moos from distant cattle that were far away and out of sight. This recording is of the two sets of bamboo chimes, which I had purchased locally in Exeter for just a few pounds each, plus the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Chimes, Soprano and Mezzo sizes. The refined ethereal, 'liquid' tone and precise tuning of these metal Music of the Spheres chimes contrast beautifully with the dry, earthy rattlings, clatterings and 'donkings' of the bamboo chimes. Indeed, these Gypsy chimes, with their particular timbre and tuning to some sort of Eastern European scale, sound at a distance like some ghostly organ playing. People who passed by while I was making recordings with these chimes tended spontaneously to use the words 'haunting' and 'magical'. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 25+ minutes full recording. In the latter, up to nearly 10 minutes in, the activity is very gentle and slow, giving a haunting and quite eerie prelude to the considerable activity that follows on once the wind gets up. This excerpt covers the final bit of that quiet 'prelude', then leading on into a short portion of the 'action'. http://www.broadhorizonnature.co.uk/chimesbamboogypsymezzorecordingaboveteigngorge450x405.jpgThis photo shows my recording studio for 28th November 2012 almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely away from it. The sets of chimes visible are the large and small bamboo, with the Gypsy Mezzo in the middle.Note that actually this was a first time learning experience for me with the Gypsy chimes, and actually for best effects the Gypsy chimes needed to be about twice the distance from the recorder than I actually used on this particular day, on account of their having a stronger and more penetrating tone than my other chimes. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Hama minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rycote Mini Windjammer. I have used a graphic EQ profile in WavePad to compensate for the slight muffling of the sound caused by the Windjammer.I caution that the wind noise in the microphones is bound to sound too intrusive when this recording is played back through speakers / headphones that are prone to boominess; good quality hifi speakers with extended and flat bass response are really needed for any of these recordings really to sound right. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another. N.B. Initially I gave all this day's recordings a 3dB cut of the lower bass to somewhat lighten the sound of the wind in the microphones, and so all the excerpts here from this day's recording have that bass reduction. However, subsequently, on careful listening, especially through my decent hifi speakers, I came to the conclusion that the wind noise in the microphones did not reach a level at which such processing was really necessary, and so I have subsequently restored those bass frequencies to the full recordings, with a distinct improvement in the sound as heard through my hifi speakers. Please remember to give this recording a rating http://www.broadhorizonnature.co.uk/meicon_wink.gif
描述:On 28th November 2012 I took out with me a large and a small set of cheap bamboo chimes and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy (quality, metal) wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. My intention was to hang the chimes on the same tree that I had used for my recordings a week earlier, at Sharp Tor, by the Hunter's Path, high up on the north side of the oversteepened part of the River Teign valley known as the Teign Gorge, Devon, UK. In the event the wind, being from a northeasterly direction this time, was not sufficiently reaching anywhere along there, and I finally reluctantly went higher up on the slope, almost to the top, where a chilly breeze was coming over and moving the tree branches a bit. I hung the chimes on one tree and made one recording, but after nearly 10 minutes of rather modest activity the wind got up more and then appeared to be too continuously on the strong side, so I then moved to a nearby tree that was not catching the wind so strongly, to make this and the further recordings this recording being a repeat of the previous recording's combination of chimes. Being this high up was not ideal, for the sound of the River Teign in the valley bottom, although still audible, is heard only indirectly and faintly, so, when listening to the recording, it is difficult to tell what is the nature of the very faint continuous roar in the background. Also, here I was very close to the grazed pasture that covers the broad top of the hill, and a result of this is that all this day's recordings are punctuated by faint moos from distant cattle that were far away and out of sight. This recording is of the two sets of bamboo chimes, which I had purchased locally in Exeter for just a few pounds each, plus the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Chimes, Soprano and Mezzo sizes. The refined ethereal, 'liquid' tone and precise tuning of these metal Music of the Spheres chimes contrast beautifully with the dry, earthy rattlings, clatterings and 'donkings' of the bamboo chimes. Indeed, these Gypsy chimes, with their particular timbre and tuning to some sort of Eastern European scale, sound at a distance like some ghostly organ playing. People who passed by while I was making recordings with these chimes tended spontaneously to use the words 'haunting' and 'magical'. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 26+ minutes full recording. http://www.broadhorizonnature.co.uk/chimesbamboogypsymezzorecordingaboveteigngorge450x405.jpgThis photo shows my recording studio for 28th November 2012 almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely away from it. The sets of chimes visible are the large and small bamboo, with the Gypsy Mezzo in the middle.Note that actually this was a first time learning experience for me with the Gypsy chimes, and actually for best effects the Gypsy chimes needed to be about twice the distance from the recorder than I actually used on this particular day, on account of their having a stronger and more penetrating tone than my other chimes. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Hama minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rycote Mini Windjammer. I have used a graphic EQ profile in WavePad to compensate for the slight muffling of the sound caused by the Windjammer.I caution that the wind noise in the microphones is bound to sound too intrusive when this recording is played back through speakers / headphones that are prone to boominess; good quality hifi speakers with extended and flat bass response are really needed for any of these recordings really to sound right. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another. N.B. Initially I gave all this day's recordings a 3dB cut of the lower bass to somewhat lighten the sound of the wind in the microphones, and so all the excerpts here from this day's recording have that bass reduction. However, subsequently, on careful listening, especially through my decent hifi speakers, I came to the conclusion that the wind noise in the microphones did not reach a level at which such processing was really necessary, and so I have subsequently restored those bass frequencies to the full recordings, with a distinct improvement in the sound as heard through my hifi speakers.(Later note: This recording with better sound than here is on one of my commercial CDs, and can be found in my eStore.) Please remember to give this recording a rating http://www.broadhorizonnature.co.uk/meicon_wink.gif
by morgantj
描述:在我们的后门廊上录制了风铃的声音。用H2 Zoom.
by spamblackhole