机械样本 " Tagno05

来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看原文
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标签: 环境 磬时钟 风铃 和谐 循环 节奏
文件大小813.2 KB
比特率1378 kbps
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———— 类似的声音 ————

by NoiseCollector
描述:Plastic pen striking several simultaneous rods from this set of grandfather clock chimes:https://www.merritts.com/merritts/public/product.aspx?ProductID81214 Set contains eight rods roughly corresponding to these notes in scientific pitch notation: D4, F4, G4, G4, A4, C5, D5, and D5. Some were intentionally muted with my fingers while striking. I don039;t remember which (and don039;t have the ear to tell casually ... sorry), but they are the same notes as in other variants of this sound in the sound pack. Intended for organic nonsampleidentical repetition like when a real clock strikes the hour. Recorded with internal mic of 21.5inch, Late 2009 iMac (sorry to all audio pros
描述:Plastic pen striking several simultaneous rods from this set of grandfather clock chimes:https://www.merritts.com/merritts/public/product.aspx?ProductID81214 Set contains eight rods roughly corresponding to these notes in scientific pitch notation: D4, F4, G4, G4, A4, C5, D5, and D5. Some were intentionally muted with my fingers while striking. I don039;t remember which (and don039;t have the ear to tell casually ... sorry), but they are the same notes as in other variants of this sound in the sound pack. Intended for organic nonsampleidentical repetition like when a real clock strikes the hour. Recorded with internal mic of 21.5inch, Late 2009 iMac (sorry to all audio pros
描述:Plastic pen striking several simultaneous rods from this set of grandfather clock chimes:https://www.merritts.com/merritts/public/product.aspx?ProductID81214 Set contains eight rods roughly corresponding to these notes in scientific pitch notation: D4, F4, G4, G4, A4, C5, D5, and D5. Some were intentionally muted with my fingers while striking. I don039;t remember which (and don039;t have the ear to tell casually ... sorry), but they are the same notes as in other variants of this sound in the sound pack. Intended for organic nonsampleidentical repetition like when a real clock strikes the hour. Recorded with internal mic of 21.5inch, Late 2009 iMac (sorry to all audio pros
描述:Plastic pen striking several simultaneous rods from this set of grandfather clock chimes:https://www.merritts.com/merritts/public/product.aspx?ProductID81214 Set contains eight rods roughly corresponding to these notes in scientific pitch notation: D4, F4, G4, G4, A4, C5, D5, and D5. Some were intentionally muted with my fingers while striking. I don039;t remember which (and don039;t have the ear to tell casually ... sorry), but they are the same notes as in other variants of this sound in the sound pack. Intended for organic nonsampleidentical repetition like when a real clock strikes the hour. Recorded with internal mic of 21.5inch, Late 2009 iMac (sorry to all audio pros
描述:Plastic pen striking several simultaneous rods from this set of grandfather clock chimes:https://www.merritts.com/merritts/public/product.aspx?ProductID81214 Set contains eight rods roughly corresponding to these notes in scientific pitch notation: D4, F4, G4, G4, A4, C5, D5, and D5. Some were intentionally muted with my fingers while striking. I don039;t remember which (and don039;t have the ear to tell casually ... sorry), but they are the same notes as in other variants of this sound in the sound pack. Intended for organic nonsampleidentical repetition like when a real clock strikes the hour. Recorded with internal mic of 21.5inch, Late 2009 iMac (sorry to all audio pros
描述:Plastic pen striking single rod from this set of grandfather clock chimes:https://www.merritts.com/merritts/public/product.aspx?ProductID81214 Rod is F4 in scientific pitch notation, roughly corresponding to 349.23Hz or MIDI note 65. Struck with 50 velocity relative to sound pack. Recorded with internal mic of 21.5inch, Late 2009 iMac (sorry to all audio pros
描述:Plastic pen striking single rod from this set of grandfather clock chimes:https://www.merritts.com/merritts/public/product.aspx?ProductID81214 Rod is D4 in scientific pitch notation, roughly corresponding to 311.13Hz or MIDI note 63. Struck with 50 velocity relative to sound pack. Recorded with internal mic of 21.5inch, Late 2009 iMac (sorry to all audio pros