Wind Chimes In the Wild " Fingle Bridge上方树林中的风铃 吉普赛女高音,女中音 节选

来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看原文
作者:Philip Goddard
许可:CC-BY-NC 非商业署名许可协议  
描述:On 6th February 2013 I took out with me to the Teign Gorge, Drewsteignton, Devon, UK, a set of Woodstock Gregorian Tenor Chimes and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. I was actually expecting a gale as I experienced for my recordings a week before, especially as there had been a gale overnight, but in fact the wind had eased down to a mere 'strong' (force 6 on the Beaufort scale), but it was colder than last time, so this was bound to be more challenging for me (I have Raynaud's disease, the cold extremities problem). Because of my expectations of a gale, I made for the same spot as last week near the top of the track ascending through the valleyside woods to join the Hunters' Path just as it emerges from the woods at the top. This proved still to get a very useful variation of wind strength to work the chimes, also with very nice sound as the wind gusts came through the trees but generally nothing spectacularly dramatic as I had last week. I did actually try combining Gregorian and Gypsy Chimes but these turned out to be incompatible, together producing a chaotic discordant gibberish, and I deleted the two recordings I made with that combination but fortunately I then went on to make the best of what I had taken out this day, and the resultant recordings have turned out quite beautifully, with a nice background sound from the River Teign far below, and the periodic larger gusts of wind coming through the trees having a lovely detail of sound and helping to give the soundscape a particularly threedimensional quality. This recording is of the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Soprano and Mezzo chimes. As remarked for my November recordings of this combination, at a distance these chimes sound remarkably like some haunting ghostly organ playing. I deliberately placed them at a reasonable distance from the recorder to get a bit more of that effect. One curious thing is that the Gypsy chimes (only) at this particular spot on this particular day produced an odd nonmusical tapping sound at each strike of the tubes on the central 'striker' something very apparent in this recording. I had not heard that sound in my previous recordings of these chimes, including those made with the Gypsy Chimes hanging on the very same branches last week really quite weird, and I'm baffled as to the cause of that. Both the Gypsy sets were doing that, but not the Gregorian chimes, and also my afternoon recording of the Gypsy Soprano chimes down below, by the River Teign, did not produce that tapping sound at all. Just maybe I wonder if this was a temperature thing, and the air temperature of about 4 degrees C in this high position was just low enough to change the physical properties of those chimes' strikers to cause that tapping sound. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 32+ minutes full recording. photo shows my recording studio for this occasion, but taken the previous week during my gale sequence almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely over the valley, so that the gusts of wind come from the right and then some come swirling around here before they continue across or down into the valley as they will. The sets of chimes visible are the Gypsy Mezzo (left, and further away) and the Pluto (right, not used this time).Note that the former being further away is not a bit of carelessness of mine, but a quite deliberate placement. I learnt from my first Gypsy Chimes recordings (back in November) that for best results they need to be placed further from the microphones than the Woodstock or bamboo chimes (at least, those that I have), on account of their more penetrating and potentially overpowering tone. the other way from near the top of the track ascending from Fingle Bridge, which latter is hidden way down below. The recorder is about 15 metres behind me, just a little down the slope from this track. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Velbon minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rode Dead Kitten windshield. I have used Audacity to apply a custom EQ profile to correct for the high frequency muffling caused by the windshield. Please note that only very good speakers / headphones with a very extended and flat frequency response will do this recording real justice. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another.(Later note: This recording with better sound than here is on one of my commercial CDs, and can be found in my eStore.) Please remember to give this recording a rating
标签: Teign峡 英国 Fingle桥 吉普赛人 风铃 英格兰 风铃 女高音 自然的音场 Drewsteignton 性质 现场录音 二月 音乐的最球体 河Teign 德文 阵风 冬季 编钟 Teign谷 女中音
文件大小26.4 MB
比特率713 kbps
采样率44100 Hz
位深度16 bit
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———— 类似的声音 ————

描述:On 6th February 2013 I took out with me to the Teign Gorge, Drewsteignton, Devon, UK, a set of Woodstock Gregorian Tenor Chimes and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. I was actually expecting a gale as I experienced for my recordings a week before, especially as there had been a gale overnight, but in fact the wind had eased down to a mere 'strong' (force 6 on the Beaufort scale), but it was colder than last time, so this was bound to be more challenging for me (I have Raynaud's disease, the cold extremities problem). Because of my expectations of a gale, I made for the same spot as last week near the top of the track ascending through the valleyside woods to join the Hunters' Path just as it emerges from the woods at the top. This proved still to get a very useful variation of wind strength to work the chimes, also with very nice sound as the wind gusts came through the trees but generally nothing as spectacularly dramatic as I'd had last week. I did actually try combining Gregorian and Gypsy Chimes but these turned out to be incompatible, together producing a chaotic discordant gibberish, and I deleted the two recordings I made with that combination but fortunately I then went on to make the best of what I had taken out this day, and the resultant recordings have turned out quite beautifully, with a nice background sound from the River Teign far below, and the periodic larger gusts of wind coming through the trees having a lovely detail of sound and helping to give the soundscape a particularly threedimensional quality. This recording is of the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Mezzo chimes, tuned to an Eastern European Gypsy scale, which gives them a hauntingly doleful sound. One curious thing is that the Gypsy chimes (only) at this particular spot on this particular day produced an odd nonmusical tapping sound at each strike of the tubes on the central 'striker' something very apparent in this recording. I had not heard that sound in my previous recordings of these chimes, including those made with the Gypsy Chimes hanging on the very same branches last week really quite weird, and I'm baffled as to the cause of that. Both the Gypsy sets were doing that, but not the Gregorian chimes, and also my afternoon recording of the Gypsy Soprano chimes down below, by the River Teign, did not produce that tapping sound at all. Just maybe I wonder if this was a temperature thing, and the air temperature of about 4 degrees C in this high position was just low enough to change the physical properties of those chimes' strikers to cause that tapping sound. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 20+ minutes full recording. photo shows my recording studio for this occasion, but taken the previous week during my gale sequence almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely over the valley, so that the gusts of wind come from the right and then some come swirling around here before they continue across or down into the valley as they will. The sets of chimes visible are the Gypsy Mezzo (left, and further away) and the Pluto (right, not used this time). the other way from near the top of the track ascending from Fingle Bridge, which latter is hidden way down below. The recorder is about 15 metres behind me, just a little down the slope from this track. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Velbon minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rode Dead Kitten windshield. I have used Audacity to apply a custom EQ profile to correct for the high frequency muffling caused by the windshield. Please note that only very good speakers / headphones with a very extended and flat frequency response will do this recording real justice. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another.(Later note: This recording with better sound than here is on one of my commercial CDs, and can be found in my eStore.) Please remember to give this recording a rating
描述:On 30th January 2013 I took out with me a set of Woodstock Chimes of Pluto and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. I was aiming for the same recording location as I used for my previous wind chimes recordings in November 2012 but this time a very strong wind was blowing over the more exposed parts, and, on the Hunters' Path from Drewsteignton (Devon, UK), high up on the side of the socalled Teign Gorge above Fingle Bridge, as I was coming out of the woods that clothe the steep valley slopes I was suddenly blasted by a wind of about gale force (force 8 on the Beaufort scale), and realized that my previous recording locations here would most likely be too windy this time. So, I withdrew very slightly back into the top of the woods, descending slightly to just below the top part of the narrow track that ascends steeply from Fingle Bridge to join the Hunters' Path, and found a suitable group of low tree branches that were sufficiently sheltered to be getting a very nice range of wind strength, from very little indeed up to 'fresh' (force 5 on the Beaufort scale). Thus today was an opportunity to record a gale in the woods, with wind chimes intermingled in the wind sound and indeed quite often buried in it as the most powerful gusts came. The results turned out to be interesting and very much in accordance with what I had been hankering after for as long as I'd been thinking of recording wind chimes. It is important, therefore, to enable yourself to perceive this particular day's recordings NOT as 'failed' or otherwise bad chimes recordings, but as extremely successful galeinthewoods recordings complete with wind chimes. As well as the wind commotion, actually the River Teign far below was making its own quieter commotion, for it was particularly full after a lot of heavy rain, but during my whole 5+ hours' recording session I could never quite differentiate between the rushing sound of the Teign and the wind. One thing you are bound to notice is that the degree of activity of the chimes does not tally all that much with the degree of roaring of the wind in the trees. This is because of my relatively sheltered position, so the big and powerful eddies in the flow of the air as it comes over the hill into the valley go careering through the tree branches above and around me, but the gusts that come to me and the recorder and chimes are almost all NOT those directly but smaller subsidiary eddies that come spinning off the big ones. It is inevitable that the wind commotion will make particularly fatiguing listening, especially to the fulllength recordings, when played through anything other than really good speakers / headphones. Please note that in the fulllength recordings made on this day, ALL of them have some awesomely powerful and loud wind gusts that at times virtually drown out the chimes, so any of the excerpts here seeming louder or quieter than others is in fact misleading, as all the full length recordings have very loud and also almost quiet (albeit far from silent) moments. Please note also, that if you watch the waveform image here on Freesound while playing the excerpts you will NOT get the proper effect. The big wind gusts sound immensely more powerful and even frightening when you are NOT watching that, so you never know how much more the sound is going to increase, maybe to blow you and indeed the whole of Existence away :) Another listening tip if you have really good and wide stereo separation you will find that the wind sound is not simply a fluctuating roar (really rather boring), but a wonderful drama of ogreish 'wind monsters' chasing around here, there, and who knows where The threedimensional movement really makes an exciting drama of it all. This recording is of the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Mezzo chimes. Without being combined with chimes tuned to other scales, the weird, emotionally intense quality of these chimes is able to sing out, with the distinctive doleful sound of the Gypsy chimes of this larger size. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 30+ minutes full recording. photo shows my recording studio for 30th January 2013 almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely over the valley, so that the great gusts of wind come roaring from the right and then go careering round over and down into the valley. The sets of chimes visible are the Gypsy Mezzo (left, and further away) and the Pluto (right).Note that the former being further away is not a bit of carelessness of mine, but a quite deliberate placement. I learnt from my first Gypsy Chimes recordings (back in November) that for best results those particular chimes need to be placed further from the microphones than the Woodstock or bamboo chimes (at least, those that I have), on account of their more penetrating and potentially overpowering tone. the other way from near the top of the track ascending from Fingle Bridge, which latter is hidden way down below. The recorder is about 25 metres behind me, just a little down the slope from this track. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Velbon minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rode Dead Kitten. Please note that all recordings from 5th January to 2nd Feb 2013, inclusive (i.e. including this one) did not receive any correction for highfrequency attenuation caused by the new Rode Dead Kitten windshield. Subsequently I was able to work out a graphic EQ profile to apply to all recordings that used that windshield, and have applied it retrospectively but I have no plans to go through the hassle of reuploading here the recordings that originally missed out on that correction. Therefore, copies of recordings made in that period, including this one, which I supply on CDs or as licensed copies for commercial use, will have better sound quality and will sound clearer, more 'present', and with more precision of detail than what you hear from here. Please note that only very good speakers / headphones with a very extended and flat frequency response will do this recording real justice, and, as already noted, lesser speakers / headphones would make this sound quite fatiguing to listen to. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another.(Later note: This recording with better sound than here is on one of my commercial CDs, and can be found in my eStore.) Please remember to give this recording a rating
描述:这是我于2013年3月5日下午在英国德文郡德鲁斯泰因顿的提恩河边录制的两段风铃中的第二段,就在它进入提恩河峡谷的上游。风力逐渐减弱,所以在这次录音中,风铃不是很活跃,所以它主要是记录河流和鸟鸣,偶尔有轻柔的风铃活动。我这组录音的录音室,在刚进入蒂恩峡谷的蒂恩河边,前面是林立的山坡。这些风铃是Gypsy Mezzo和Soprano(都是黑色的管子)以及Chimes of Pluto(银色的管子),后者在这次录音中没有使用。 本录音中的风铃是Music of the Spheres Gypsy Mezzo和Soprano风铃,按东欧吉普赛音阶调音。 这次我吸取了2月份在这里录音的经验,把风铃挂在了另一棵树上,树枝的排列使我能得到更好的声音平衡,同时也因为蒂恩河本身现在更低,所以更安静。此外,我还想在风铃上获得各种不那么近的、甚至是遥远的视角。因此,我把录音机放在离风铃较远的地方,特别是吉普赛风铃,因为它们的音色具有穿透力和 "携带性"。结果,所有的声音元素之间达到了非常美丽和 "甜美 "的平衡这是我在做现场录音时往往不容易做到的。 这是24分钟以上的完整录音中的5分钟节选。 (后记:这段录音声音比这里好在我的一张商业CD上,可以在我的电子商店。)
描述:2013年2月18日,过了中午,我不得不从英国德文郡德鲁斯泰恩峡谷西端的亨特托(Hunter's Tor)的录音中撤退,因为在急促的东南风中我太冷了。于是我来到谷底,在渔夫之路旁边的提恩河边寻找一个合适的地方悬挂风铃。结果那里的风太小了只有零星的可用的阵风作为最后的手段,我逆流而上,来到提恩河峡谷的树林外,进入通往多格玛什桥的公路的开阔地的起点。起初,风在这里很好地吹动了树枝,但我认为 "索德法则 "在起作用,因为当我开始第一次录音时,风就减弱了,然后它一般只在零星的温和呼吸中出现,只有罕见的真正有用的阵风,而那些阵风在我在这里进行的三次录音中的第二次确实完全消失了。 然而,一切都没有失去,因为这是一个很好的偶然事件。我想要一件东西,但却得到了另一件。从逻辑上讲,我不可能把录音机和风铃放在正确的相对位置,以达到我想要的录音效果,因此水声比我真正想要的要大,淹没了风铃的安静音调,也淹没了除了最近的鸟声之外的所有声音。然而,所有这三段录音都是一套非常好的温柔湍急的河水声,还有一点钟声和鸟鸣声。 这是这里的三张录音系列中的最后一张,它的风铃声最少,但至少作为补偿,鸟声反而更明显。我猜想,那些正在寻找可以入睡的声音的人,会非常喜欢这三段录音,而且比我实际要制作的 "更刺激 "类型的风铃录音更喜欢它们。我录制这组录音的工作室,在刚进入蒂恩峡谷的蒂恩河边。录音机实际上比照片上看起来更靠近风铃。这些风铃是Gypsy Mezzo和Soprano(黑色管子)和Pluto风铃(银色的管子,在这里因为反射的颜色而显得很刺眼)。 这段录音中的风铃是Music of the Spheres Gypsy Mezzo和Soprano风铃,按东欧吉普赛音阶调音。 这是32分钟以上的完整录音中的5分钟节选。 用索尼PCMM10在Velbon迷你三脚架上进行录音,使用内置的麦克风,用Rode Dead Kitten防风罩覆盖。我使用Audacity应用了一个自定义的EQ配置文件来纠正挡风玻璃造成的高频消音。 请注意,只有非常好的扬声器/耳机具有非常宽广和平坦的频率响应,才能使这段录音真正公正。 还请注意,这段录音的音量已经被仔细调整过了,到目前为止,我所有的录音都是要用一个音量设置来听的,这个音量设置可以为古典音乐(一个大型但不特别的交响乐团)的播放提供一个真实的水平。如果你有正确的音量设置,你应该不需要从我的一个录音中改变这个设置。 请记得给这个录音打分!
描述:On 30th January 2013 I took out with me a set of Woodstock Chimes of Pluto and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. I was aiming for the same recording location as I used for my previous wind chimes recordings in November 2012 but this time a very strong wind was blowing over the more exposed parts, and, on the Hunters' Path from Drewsteignton (Devon, UK), high up on the side of the socalled Teign Gorge above Fingle Bridge, as I was coming out of the woods that clothe the steep valley slopes I was suddenly blasted by a wind of about gale force (force 8 on the Beaufort scale), and realized that my previous recording locations here would most likely be too windy this time. So, I withdrew very slightly back into the top of the woods, descending slightly to just below the top part of the narrow track that ascends steeply from Fingle Bridge to join the Hunters' Path, and found a suitable group of low tree branches that were sufficiently sheltered to be getting a very nice range of wind strength, from very little indeed up to 'fresh' (force 5 on the Beaufort scale). Thus today was an opportunity to record a gale in the woods, with wind chimes intermingled in the wind sound and indeed quite often buried in it as the most powerful gusts came. The results turned out to be interesting and very much in accordance with what I had been hankering after for as long as I'd been thinking of recording wind chimes. It is important, therefore, to enable yourself to perceive this particular day's recordings NOT as 'failed' or otherwise bad chimes recordings, but as extremely successful galeinthewoods recordings complete with wind chimes. As well as the wind commotion, actually the River Teign far below was making its own quieter commotion, for it was particularly full after a lot of heavy rain, but during my whole 5+ hours' recording session I could never quite differentiate between the rushing sound of the Teign and the wind. One thing you are bound to notice is that the degree of activity of the chimes does not tally all that much with the degree of roaring of the wind in the trees. This is because of my relatively sheltered position, so the big and powerful eddies in the flow of the air as it comes over the hill into the valley go careering through the tree branches above and around me, but the gusts that come to me and the recorder and chimes are almost all NOT those directly but smaller subsidiary eddies that come spinning off the big ones. It is inevitable that the wind commotion will make particularly fatiguing listening, especially to the fulllength recordings, when played through anything other than really good speakers / headphones. Please note that in the fulllength recordings made on this day, ALL of them have some awesomely powerful and loud wind gusts that at times virtually drown out the chimes, so any of the excerpts here seeming louder or quieter than others is in fact misleading, as all the full length recordings have very loud and also almost quiet (albeit far from silent) moments. Please note also, that if you watch the waveform image here on Freesound while playing the excerpts you will NOT get the proper effect. The big wind gusts sound immensely more powerful and even frightening when you are NOT watching that, so you never know how much more the sound is going to increase, maybe to blow you and indeed the whole of Existence away :) Another listening tip if you have really good and wide stereo separation you will find that the wind sound is not simply a fluctuating roar (really rather boring), but a wonderful drama of ogreish 'wind monsters' chasing around here, there, and who knows where The threedimensional movement really makes an exciting drama of it all. This recording is of the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Soprano chimes. Without being combined with chimes tuned to other scales, the weird, emotionally intense quality of these chimes is able to sing out. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 31+ minutes full recording. photo shows my recording studio for 30th January 2013 almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely over the valley, so that the great gusts of wind come roaring from the right and then go careering round over and down into the valley. The sets of chimes visible are the Gypsy Mezzo (left, and further away) and the Pluto (right).Note that the former being further away is not a bit of carelessness of mine, but a quite deliberate placement. I learnt from my first Gypsy Chimes recordings (back in November) that for best results they need to be placed further from the microphones than the Woodstock or bamboo chimes (at least, those that I have), on account of their more penetrating and potentially overpowering tone. the other way from near the top of the track ascending from Fingle Bridge, which latter is hidden way down below. The recorder is about 25 metres behind me, just a little down the slope from this track. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Velbon minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rode Dead Kitten. Please note that all recordings from 5th January to 2nd Feb 2013, inclusive (i.e. including this one) did not receive any correction for highfrequency attenuation caused by the new Rode Dead Kitten windshield. Subsequently I was able to work out a graphic EQ profile to apply to all recordings that used that windshield, and have applied it retrospectively but I have no plans to go through the hassle of reuploading here the recordings that originally missed out on that correction. Therefore, copies of recordings made in that period, including this one, which I supply on CDs or as licensed copies for commercial use, will have better sound quality and will sound clearer, more 'present', and with more precision of detail than what you hear from here. Please note that only very good speakers / headphones with a very extended and flat frequency response will do this recording real justice, and, as already noted, lesser speakers / headphones would make this sound quite fatiguing to listen to. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another. Please remember to give this recording a rating
描述:2013年2月18日,过了中午,我不得不从英国德文郡德鲁斯泰恩峡谷西端的亨特托(Hunter's Tor)的录音中撤退,因为在急促的东南风中我太冷了。于是我来到谷底,在渔夫之路旁边的提恩河边寻找一个合适的地方悬挂风铃。结果那里的风太小了只有零星的可用的阵风作为最后的手段,我逆流而上,来到提恩河峡谷的树林外,进入通往多格玛什桥的公路的开阔地的起点。起初,风在这里很好地吹动了树枝,但我认为 "索德法则 "在起作用,因为当我开始第一次录音时,风就减弱了,然后它一般只在零星的温和呼吸中出现,只有罕见的真正有用的阵风,而那些阵风在我在这里进行的三次录音中的第二次确实完全消失了。 然而,一切都没有失去,因为这是一个很好的偶然事件。我想要一件东西,但却得到了另一件。从逻辑上讲,我不可能把录音机和风铃放在正确的相对位置,以达到我想要的录音效果,所以水声比我真正想要的要大,淹没了风铃的安静音调,也淹没了除了最近的鸟声之外的所有声音。这是这里的三张录音系列中的第二张,它的风铃声比第一张少,但至少作为补偿,鸟声更明显。然而,所有这三张录音都是一套非常好的轻柔湍急的河水声,还有一点钟声(在这张录音中最多)和鸟声(由于某种原因,只在这里的其他两张录音中明显听到)。我猜想,那些正在寻找可以入睡的声音的人,会非常喜欢这三张录音,而且比我实际要制作的 "更激烈 "的风铃录音更喜欢它们。我录制这组录音的工作室,在刚进入蒂恩峡谷的蒂恩河边。录音机实际上比照片上看起来更接近风铃。这些风铃是Gypsy Mezzo和Soprano(黑色管子)和Pluto风铃(银色的管子,在这里因为反射的颜色而显得很刺眼)。 录音中的风铃是冥王星的伍德斯托克风铃,调谐在一个光芒四射、听起来很 "快乐 "的五声音阶上,以及球体音乐的吉普赛女中音和女高音风铃,调谐在一个东欧的吉普赛音阶。这两个音阶的相互作用产生了一种耐人寻味的效果,似乎从根本上改变了两个音阶的性质,并产生了不同于任何一个音阶的声音。 这是23分钟以上的完整录音中的5分钟节选。 (后记:这段录音声音比这里好在我的一张商业CD上,可以在我的电子商店 《野外的风铃》第五卷。) 用索尼PCMM10在Velbon迷你三脚架上进行录音,使用内置的麦克风,用Rode Dead Kitten防风罩覆盖。我使用Audacity应用了一个自定义的EQ配置文件来纠正挡风玻璃造成的高频消音。 请注意,只有非常好的扬声器/耳机具有非常宽广和平坦的频率响应,才能使这段录音真正公正。 还请注意,这段录音的音量已经被仔细调整过了,到目前为止,我所有的录音都是要用一个音量设置来听的,这个音量设置可以为古典音乐(一个大型但不特别的交响乐团)的播放提供一个真实的水平。如果你有正确的音量设置,你应该不需要从我的一个录音中改变这个设置。 请记得给这个录音打分!
描述:2013年2月6日,我带着一套Woodstock Gregorian Tenor Chimes和两套Music of the Spheres Gypsy wind chimes来到了英国德文郡德鲁斯泰格顿的Teign Gorge。我的目标是在芬格桥上面的树林顶上再录一整天事实上我确实在那里坚持了一上午但后来我不得不收拾东西逃走了,因为空气温度只有4度左右,还有一些风寒因素,我的手和脚因为太过寒冷而给我造成了压力
描述:On 30th January 2013 I took out with me a set of Woodstock Chimes of Pluto and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. I was aiming for the same recording location as I used for my previous wind chimes recordings in November 2012 but this time a very strong wind was blowing over the more exposed parts, and, on the Hunters' Path from Drewsteignton (Devon, UK), high up on the side of the socalled Teign Gorge above Fingle Bridge, as I was coming out of the woods that clothe the steep valley slopes I was suddenly blasted by a wind of about gale force (force 8 on the Beaufort scale), and realized that my previous recording locations here would most likely be too windy this time. So, I withdrew very slightly back into the top of the woods, descending slightly to just below the top part of the narrow track that ascends steeply from Fingle Bridge to join the Hunters' Path, and found a suitable group of low tree branches that were sufficiently sheltered to be getting a very nice range of wind strength, from very little indeed up to 'fresh' (force 5 on the Beaufort scale). Thus today was an opportunity to record a gale in the woods, with wind chimes intermingled in the wind sound and indeed quite often buried in it as the most powerful gusts came. The results turned out to be interesting and very much in accordance with what I had been hankering after for as long as I'd been thinking of recording wind chimes. It is important, therefore, to enable yourself to perceive this particular day's recordings NOT as 'failed' or otherwise bad chimes recordings, but as extremely successful galeinthewoods recordings complete with wind chimes. As well as the wind commotion, actually the River Teign far below was making its own quieter commotion, for it was particularly full after a lot of heavy rain, but during my whole 5+ hours' recording session I could never quite differentiate between the rushing sound of the Teign and the wind. One thing you are bound to notice is that the degree of activity of the chimes does not tally all that much with the degree of roaring of the wind in the trees. This is because of my relatively sheltered position, so the big and powerful eddies in the flow of the air as it comes over the hill into the valley go careering through the tree branches above and around me, but the gusts that come to me and the recorder and chimes are almost all NOT those directly but smaller subsidiary eddies that come spinning off the big ones. It is inevitable that the wind commotion will make particularly fatiguing listening, especially to the fulllength recordings, when played through anything other than really good speakers / headphones. Please note that in the fulllength recordings made on this day, ALL of them have some awesomely powerful and loud wind gusts that at times virtually drown out the chimes, so any of the excerpts here seeming louder or quieter than others is in fact misleading, as all the full length recordings have very loud and also almost quiet (albeit far from silent) moments. Please note also, that if you watch the waveform image here on Freesound while playing the excerpts you will NOT get the proper effect. The big wind gusts sound immensely more powerful and even frightening when you are NOT watching that, so you never know how much more the sound is going to increase, maybe to blow you and indeed the whole of Existence away :) Another listening tip if you have really good and wide stereo separation you will find that the wind sound is not simply a fluctuating roar (really rather boring), but a wonderful drama of ogreish 'wind monsters' chasing around here, there, and who knows where The threedimensional movement really makes an exciting drama of it all. This recording is of the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Soprano and Mezzo chimes. Without being combined with chimes tuned to other scales, the weird, emotionally intense quality of these chimes is able to sing out. As remarked for my November recordings of this combination, at a distance they sound remarkably like some haunting ghostly organ playing. I deliberately placed them at a fair distance from the recorder to get a bit more of that effect though actually the gustiness of the wind resulted in the chimes often being rather frisky and clangy, and that rather disrupts the 'ghostly distant organ' effect This is a 5minute excerpt from the 35+ minutes full recording. photo shows my recording studio for 30th January 2013 almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely over the valley, so that the great gusts of wind come roaring from the right and then go careering round over and down into the valley. The sets of chimes visible are the Gypsy Mezzo (left, and further away) and the Pluto (right).Note that the former being further away is not a bit of carelessness of mine, but a quite deliberate placement. I learnt from my first Gypsy Chimes recordings (back in November) that for best results those particular chimes need to be placed further from the microphones than the Woodstock or bamboo chimes (at least, those that I have), on account of their more penetrating and potentially overpowering tone. the other way from near the top of the track ascending from Fingle Bridge, which latter is hidden way down below. The recorder is about 25 metres behind me, just a little down the slope from this track. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Velbon minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rode Dead Kitten. Please note that all recordings from 5th January to 2nd Feb 2013, inclusive (i.e. including this one) did not receive any correction for highfrequency attenuation caused by the new Rode Dead Kitten windshield. Subsequently I was able to work out a graphic EQ profile to apply to all recordings that used that windshield, and have applied it retrospectively but I have no plans to go through the hassle of reuploading here the recordings that originally missed out on that correction. Therefore, copies of recordings made in that period, including this one, which I supply on CDs or as licensed copies for commercial use, will have better sound quality and will sound clearer, more 'present', and with more precision of detail than what you hear from here. Please note that only very good speakers / headphones with a very extended and flat frequency response will do this recording real justice, and, as already noted, lesser speakers / headphones would make this sound quite fatiguing to listen to. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another.(Later note: This recording with better sound than here is on one of my commercial CDs, and can be found in my eStore.) Please remember to give this recording a rating
描述:On 30th January 2013 I took out with me a set of Woodstock Chimes of Pluto and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. I was aiming for the same recording location as I used for my previous wind chimes recordings in November 2012 but this time a very strong wind was blowing over the more exposed parts, and, on the Hunters' Path from Drewsteignton (Devon, UK), high up on the side of the socalled Teign Gorge above Fingle Bridge, as I was coming out of the woods that clothe the steep valley slopes I was suddenly blasted by a wind of about gale force (force 8 on the Beaufort scale), and realized that my previous recording locations here would most likely be too windy this time. So, I withdrew very slightly back into the top of the woods, descending slightly to just below the top part of the narrow track that ascends steeply from Fingle Bridge to join the Hunters' Path, and found a suitable group of low tree branches that were sufficiently sheltered to be getting a very nice range of wind strength, from very little indeed up to 'fresh' (force 5 on the Beaufort scale). Thus today was not only to be an experiment to see to what extent the Gypsy chimes could usefully be combined with any of the quite different sounding Woodstock chimes, but also an opportunity to record a gale in the woods, with wind chimes intermingled in the wind sound and indeed quite often buried in it as the most powerful gusts came. The results turned out to be interesting and very much in accordance with what I had been hankering after for as long as I'd been thinking of recording wind chimes. It is important, therefore, to enable yourself to perceive this particular day's recordings NOT as 'failed' or otherwise bad chimes recordings, but as extremely successful galeinthewoods recordings complete with wind chimes. As well as the wind commotion, actually the River Teign far below was making its own quieter commotion, for it was particularly full after a lot of heavy rain, but during my whole 5+ hours' recording session I could never quite differentiate between the rushing sound of the Teign and the wind. One thing you are bound to notice is that the degree of activity of the chimes does not tally all that much with the degree of roaring of the wind in the trees. This is because of my relatively sheltered position, so the big and powerful eddies in the flow of the air as it comes over the hill into the valley go careering through the tree branches above and around me, but the gusts that come to me and the recorder and chimes are almost all NOT those directly but smaller subsidiary eddies that come spinning off the big ones. It is inevitable that the wind commotion will make particularly fatiguing listening, especially to the fulllength recordings, when played through anything other than really good speakers / headphones. Please note that in the fulllength recordings made on this day, ALL of them have some awesomely powerful and loud wind gusts that at times virtually drown out the chimes, so any of the excerpts here seeming louder or quieter than others is in fact misleading, as all the full length recordings have very loud and also almost quiet (albeit far from silent) moments. Please note also, that if you watch the waveform image here on Freesound while playing the excerpts you will NOT get the proper effect. The big wind gusts sound immensely more powerful and even frightening when you are NOT watching that, so you never know how much more the sound is going to increase, maybe to blow you and indeed the whole of Existence away :) Another listening tip if you have really good and wide stereo separation you will find that the wind sound is not simply a fluctuating roar (really rather boring), but a wonderful drama of ogreish 'wind monsters' chasing around here, there, and who knows where The threedimensional movement really makes an exciting drama of it all. This recording is of the Woodstock Chimes of Pluto, plus the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Chimes, Mezzo size. The combination of the Pluto and Gypsy chimes produces a curious effect. The Pluto chimes neutralize the intense emotional feel of the Gypsy chimes, and at the same time the latter neutralize the Pluto Chimes' buoyant 'happy' feel, and the combination has a delicately wistful sound as heard on my quite reasonable computer speakers. However, on my hifi system comes a revelation, and the effect is not really wistful at all but an almost happy and rejoicing sound, centred in certain gentle and teasing harmonic astringencies that this chimes combination has brought us. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 36+ minutes full recording. photo shows my recording studio for 30th January 2013 almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely over the valley, so that the great gusts of wind come roaring from the right and then go careering round over and down into the valley. The sets of chimes visible are the Gypsy Mezzo (left, and further away) and the Pluto (right).Note that the former being further away is not a bit of carelessness of mine, but a quite deliberate placement. I learnt from my first Gypsy Chimes recordings (back in November) that for best results those particular chimes need to be placed further from the microphones than the Woodstock or bamboo chimes (at least, those that I have), on account of their more penetrating and potentially overpowering tone. the other way from near the top of the track ascending from Fingle Bridge, which latter is hidden way down below. The recorder is about 25 metres behind me, just a little down the slope from this track. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Velbon minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rode Dead Kitten. Please note that all recordings from 5th January to 2nd Feb 2013, inclusive (i.e. including this one) did not receive any correction for highfrequency attenuation caused by the new Rode Dead Kitten windshield. Subsequently I was able to work out a graphic EQ profile to apply to all recordings that used that windshield, and have applied it retrospectively but I have no plans to go through the hassle of reuploading here the recordings that originally missed out on that correction. Therefore, copies of recordings made in that period, including this one, which I supply on CDs or as licensed copies for commercial use, will have better sound quality and will sound clearer, more 'present', and with more precision of detail than what you hear from here. Please note that only very good speakers / headphones with a very extended and flat frequency response will do this recording real justice, and, as already noted, lesser speakers / headphones would make this sound quite fatiguing to listen to. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another.(Later note: This recording with better sound than here is on one of my commercial CDs, and can be found in my eStore.) Please remember to give this recording a rating
描述:On 30th January 2013 I took out with me a set of Woodstock Chimes of Pluto and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. I was aiming for the same recording location as I used for my previous wind chimes recordings in November 2012 but this time a very strong wind was blowing over the more exposed parts, and, on the Hunters' Path from Drewsteignton (Devon, UK), high up on the side of the socalled Teign Gorge above Fingle Bridge, as I was coming out of the woods that clothe the steep valley slopes I was suddenly blasted by a wind of about gale force (force 8 on the Beaufort scale), and realized that my previous recording locations here would most likely be too windy this time. So, I withdrew very slightly back into the top of the woods, descending slightly to just below the top part of the narrow track that ascends steeply from Fingle Bridge to join the Hunters' Path, and found a suitable group of low tree branches that were sufficiently sheltered to be getting a very nice range of wind strength, from very little indeed up to 'fresh' (force 5 on the Beaufort scale). Thus today was not only to be an experiment to see to what extent the Gypsy chimes could usefully be combined with any of the quite different sounding Woodstock chimes, but also an opportunity to record a gale in the woods, with wind chimes intermingled in the wind sound and indeed quite often buried in it as the most powerful gusts came. The results turned out to be interesting and very much in accordance with what I had been hankering after for as long as I'd been thinking of recording wind chimes. It is important, therefore, to enable yourself to perceive this particular day's recordings NOT as 'failed' or otherwise bad chimes recordings, but as extremely successful galeinthewoods recordings complete with wind chimes. As well as the wind commotion, actually the River Teign far below was making its own quieter commotion, for it was particularly full after a lot of heavy rain, but during my whole 5+ hours' recording session I could never quite differentiate between the rushing sound of the Teign and the wind. One thing you are bound to notice is that the degree of activity of the chimes does not tally all that much with the degree of roaring of the wind in the trees. This is because of my relatively sheltered position, so the big and powerful eddies in the flow of the air as it comes over the hill into the valley go careering through the tree branches above and around me, but the gusts that come to me and the recorder and chimes are almost all NOT those directly but smaller subsidiary eddies that come spinning off the big ones. It is inevitable that the wind commotion will make particularly fatiguing listening, especially to the fulllength recordings, when played through anything other than really good speakers / headphones. Please note that in the fulllength recordings made on this day, ALL of them have some awesomely powerful and loud wind gusts that at times virtually drown out the chimes, so any of the excerpts here seeming louder or quieter than others is in fact misleading, as all the full length recordings have very loud and also almost quiet (albeit far from silent) moments. Please note also, that if you watch the waveform image here on Freesound while playing the excerpts you will NOT get the proper effect. The big wind gusts sound immensely more powerful and even frightening when you are NOT watching that, so you never know how much more the sound is going to increase, maybe to blow you and indeed the whole of Existence away :) Another listening tip if you have really good and wide stereo separation you will find that the wind sound is not simply a fluctuating roar (really rather boring), but a wonderful drama of ogreish 'wind monsters' chasing around here, there, and who knows where The threedimensional movement really makes an exciting drama of it all. This recording is of the Woodstock Chimes of Pluto, plus the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Chimes, Soprano size. The combination of the Pluto and Gypsy chimes produces a curious effect. The Pluto chimes neutralize the intense emotional feel of the Gypsy chimes, and at the same time the latter neutralize the Pluto Chimes' buoyant 'happy' feel, and the combination has a delicately wistful sound as heard on my quite reasonable computer speakers. However, on my hifi system comes a revelation, and the effect is not really wistful at all but an almost happy and rejoicing sound, centred in certain gentle and teasing harmonic astringencies that this chimes combination has brought us. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 39+ minutes full recording. photo shows my recording studio for 30th January 2013 almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely over the valley, so that the great gusts of wind come roaring from the right and then go careering round over and down into the valley. The sets of chimes visible are the Gypsy Mezzo (left, and further away) and the Pluto (right).Note that the former being further away is not a bit of carelessness of mine, but a quite deliberate placement. I learnt from my first Gypsy Chimes recordings (back in November) that for best results those particular chimes need to be placed further from the microphones than the Woodstock or bamboo chimes (at least, those that I have), on account of their more penetrating and potentially overpowering tone. the other way from near the top of the track ascending from Fingle Bridge, which latter is hidden way down below. The recorder is about 25 metres behind me, just a little down the slope from this track. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Velbon minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rode Dead Kitten. Please note that all recordings from 5th January to 2nd Feb 2013, inclusive (i.e. including this one) did not receive any correction for highfrequency attenuation caused by the new Rode Dead Kitten windshield. Subsequently I was able to work out a graphic EQ profile to apply to all recordings that used that windshield, and have applied it retrospectively but I have no plans to go through the hassle of reuploading here the recordings that originally missed out on that correction. Therefore, copies of recordings made in that period, including this one, which I supply on CDs or as licensed copies for commercial use, will have better sound quality and will sound clearer, more 'present', and with more precision of detail than what you hear from here. Please note that only very good speakers / headphones with a very extended and flat frequency response will do this recording real justice, and, as already noted, lesser speakers / headphones would make this sound quite fatiguing to listen to. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another. Please remember to give this recording a rating
描述:2013年2月6日,我带着一套Woodstock Gregorian Tenor风铃和两套Music of the Spheres Gypsy风铃Soprano和Mezzo尺寸的风铃来到英国德文郡的Teign Gorge,后两者的声音完美地融为一体。实际上,我期待着大风的到来,就像我一周前的录音一样,尤其是一夜之间的大风,但事实上,风势已经缓和下来,只有 "强"(蒲福尔等级的6级),但比上次更冷,所以这对我来说必然是更大的挑战(我有雷诺氏病,四肢寒冷的问题)。由于我预计会有大风,所以我选择了与上周相同的地点在穿过山谷边的树林上升到猎人路的顶部附近,因为猎人路正好从顶部的树林中走出来。事实证明,这里仍然可以获得非常有用的风力变化,可以让风铃工作,当阵风穿过树林时也有非常好的声音但一般来说,没有像上周那样壮观的戏剧性。 我确实尝试过将格里高利钟声和吉普赛钟声结合在一起但这两种钟声不兼容,一起产生了混乱的不和谐的胡言乱语,我删除了用这种组合做的两段录音但幸运的是,我又继续将我今天拿出来的东西做得最好,结果录音的效果相当好,有来自远处泰恩河的漂亮背景音,而定期穿过树林的较大阵风的声音细节也很可爱,有助于赋予声音景观特别立体的质量。 这段录音是伍德斯托克格里高利次中音风铃,按照格里高利圣歌的音阶调音,使其发出明亮而 "宏大 "的声音从Fingle Bridge上升的轨道顶部附近向另一边看去,后者隐藏在下面。录音机在我身后约15米处,就在这条轨道的斜坡上。 用索尼PCMM10在Velbon迷你三脚架上进行录音,使用内置的麦克风,用Rode Dead Kitten防风罩覆盖。我使用Audacity应用了一个自定义的EQ配置文件来纠正挡风玻璃造成的高频消音。 请注意,只有非常好的扬声器/耳机具有非常宽广和平坦的频率响应,才能使这段录音真正公正。 还请注意,这段录音的音量已经被仔细调整过了,到目前为止,我所有的录音都是要用一个音量设置来听的,这个音量设置可以为古典音乐(一个大型但不特别的交响乐团)的播放提供一个真实的水平。如果你有正确的音量设置,你应该不需要从我的一个录音中改变这个设置。(后记:这段录音声音比这里好在我的一张商业CD上,可以在我的电子商店 。) 请记得给这个录音评分!
描述:On 28th November 2012 I took out with me a large and a small set of cheap bamboo chimes and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy (quality, metal) wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. My intention was to hang the chimes on the same tree that I had used for my recordings a week earlier, at Sharp Tor, by the Hunter's Path, high up on the north side of the oversteepened part of the River Teign valley known as the Teign Gorge, Devon, UK. In the event the wind, being from a northeasterly direction this time, was not sufficiently reaching anywhere along there, and I finally reluctantly went higher up on the slope, almost to the top, where a chilly breeze was coming over and moving the tree branches a bit. I hung the chimes on one tree and made this recording, but after nearly 10 minutes of rather modest activity the wind got up more and then appeared to be too continuously on the strong side, so I then moved to a nearby tree that was not catching the wind so strongly, to make the further recordings, including a repeat of this recordings' combination of chimes. Being this high up was not ideal, for the sound of the River Teign in the valley bottom, although still audible, is heard only indirectly and faintly, so, when listening to the recording, it is difficult to tell what is the nature of the very faint continuous roar in the background. Also, here I was very close to the grazed pasture that covers the broad top of the hill, and a result of this is that all this day's recordings are punctuated by faint moos from distant cattle that were far away and out of sight. This recording is of the two sets of bamboo chimes, which I had purchased locally in Exeter for just a few pounds each, plus the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Chimes, Soprano and Mezzo sizes. The refined ethereal, 'liquid' tone and precise tuning of these metal Music of the Spheres chimes contrast beautifully with the dry, earthy rattlings, clatterings and 'donkings' of the bamboo chimes. Indeed, these Gypsy chimes, with their particular timbre and tuning to some sort of Eastern European scale, sound at a distance like some ghostly organ playing. People who passed by while I was making recordings with these chimes tended spontaneously to use the words 'haunting' and 'magical'. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 25+ minutes full recording. In the latter, up to nearly 10 minutes in, the activity is very gentle and slow, giving a haunting and quite eerie prelude to the considerable activity that follows on once the wind gets up. This excerpt covers the final bit of that quiet 'prelude', then leading on into a short portion of the 'action'. photo shows my recording studio for 28th November 2012 almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely away from it. The sets of chimes visible are the large and small bamboo, with the Gypsy Mezzo in the middle.Note that actually this was a first time learning experience for me with the Gypsy chimes, and actually for best effects the Gypsy chimes needed to be about twice the distance from the recorder than I actually used on this particular day, on account of their having a stronger and more penetrating tone than my other chimes. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Hama minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rycote Mini Windjammer. I have used a graphic EQ profile in WavePad to compensate for the slight muffling of the sound caused by the Windjammer.I caution that the wind noise in the microphones is bound to sound too intrusive when this recording is played back through speakers / headphones that are prone to boominess; good quality hifi speakers with extended and flat bass response are really needed for any of these recordings really to sound right. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another. N.B. Initially I gave all this day's recordings a 3dB cut of the lower bass to somewhat lighten the sound of the wind in the microphones, and so all the excerpts here from this day's recording have that bass reduction. However, subsequently, on careful listening, especially through my decent hifi speakers, I came to the conclusion that the wind noise in the microphones did not reach a level at which such processing was really necessary, and so I have subsequently restored those bass frequencies to the full recordings, with a distinct improvement in the sound as heard through my hifi speakers. Please remember to give this recording a rating
描述:On 30th January 2013 I took out with me a set of Woodstock Chimes of Pluto and two sets of Music of the Spheres Gypsy wind chimes the Soprano and Mezzo sizes, the sounds of which latter two mesh together beautifully. I was aiming for the same recording location as I used for my previous wind chimes recordings in November 2012 but this time a very strong wind was blowing over the more exposed parts, and, on the Hunters' Path from Drewsteignton (Devon, UK), high up on the side of the socalled Teign Gorge above Fingle Bridge, as I was coming out of the woods that clothe the steep valley slopes I was suddenly blasted by a wind of about gale force (force 8 on the Beaufort scale), and realized that my previous recording locations here would most likely be too windy this time. So, I withdrew very slightly back into the top of the woods, descending slightly to just below the top part of the narrow track that ascends steeply from Fingle Bridge to join the Hunters' Path, and found a suitable group of low tree branches that were sufficiently sheltered to be getting a very nice range of wind strength, from very little indeed up to 'fresh' (force 5 on the Beaufort scale). Thus today was not only to be an experiment to see to what extent the Gypsy chimes could usefully be combined with any of the quite different sounding Woodstock chimes, but also an opportunity to record a gale in the woods, with wind chimes intermingled in the wind sound and indeed quite often buried in it as the most powerful gusts came. The results turned out to be interesting and very much in accordance with what I had been hankering after for as long as I'd been thinking of recording wind chimes. It is important, therefore, to enable yourself to perceive this particular day's recordings NOT as 'failed' or otherwise bad chimes recordings, but as extremely successful galeinthewoods recordings complete with wind chimes. To tell the truth, this particular day's spectacular recording session very nearly didn't happen I had arrived in the woods thinking just of recording the particular chimes I'd brought out, just with a little wind noise, and when I got setting up for the first recording, and the chimes were being drowned out by a monstrous gust in the trees, I had great doubts about continuing, but then rather dubiously set that recording going. After about 10 minutes I was wondering why the hell I was loitering around there for an obvious failure of a recording to run its course, and was starting to think of packing up there and then and trying to find a more sheltered place. At that point I used a special inner inquiry method that I call energy testing, and it gave a 'weakening' response (effectively a thumbsdown) to my doing so, so, a little perplexed, I let the recording run (originally intended to run for 40 to 45 minutes, to allow for some disturbances to be edited out). It was during the remainder of the time of that recording that I progressively woke up to what I was really recording, and started to get excited at the fact of my getting a real cracker of a gale recording and then I stuck to that same spot for the following seven extended recordings, then really excited to record as much as I could there. As well as the wind commotion, actually the River Teign far below was making its own quieter commotion, for it was particularly full after a lot of heavy rain, but during my whole 5+ hours' recording session I could never quite differentiate between the rushing sound of the Teign and the wind. One thing you are bound to notice is that the degree of activity of the chimes does not tally all that much with the degree of roaring of the wind in the trees. This is because of my relatively sheltered position, so the big and powerful eddies in the flow of the air as it comes over the hill into the valley go careering through the tree branches above and around me, but the gusts that come to me and the recorder and chimes are almost all NOT those directly but smaller subsidiary eddies that come spinning off the big ones. It is inevitable that the wind commotion will make particularly fatiguing listening, especially to the fulllength recordings, when played through anything other than really good speakers / headphones. Please note that in the fulllength recordings made on this day, ALL of them have some awesomely powerful and loud wind gusts that at times virtually drown out the chimes, so any of the excerpts here seeming louder or quieter than others is in fact misleading, as all the full length recordings have very loud and also almost quiet (albeit far from silent) moments. Please note also, that if you watch the waveform image here on Freesound while playing the excerpts you will NOT get the proper effect. The big wind gusts sound immensely more powerful and even frightening when you are NOT watching that, so you never know how much more the sound is going to increase, maybe to blow you and indeed the whole of Existence away :) Another listening tip if you have really good and wide stereo separation you will find that the wind sound is not simply a fluctuating roar (really rather boring), but a wonderful drama of ogreish 'wind monsters' chasing around here, there, and who knows where The threedimensional movement really makes an exciting drama of it all. This recording is of the Woodstock Chimes of Pluto, plus the Music of the Spheres Gypsy Chimes, Soprano and Mezzo sizes. The combination of the Pluto and Gypsy chimes produces a curious effect. The Pluto chimes neutralize the intense emotional feel of the Gypsy chimes, and at the same time the latter neutralize the Pluto Chimes' buoyant 'happy' feel, and the combination has a delicately wistful sound as heard on my quite reasonable computer speakers. However, on my hifi system comes a revelation, and the effect is not really wistful at all but an almost happy and rejoicing sound, centred in certain gentle and teasing harmonic astringencies that this chimes combination has brought us. This is a 5minute excerpt from the 36 minutes full recording. photo shows my recording studio for 30th January 2013 almost at the top of the north side of the Teign Gorge, and facing obliquely over the valley, so that the great gusts of wind come roaring from the right and then go careering round over and down into the valley. The sets of chimes visible are the Gypsy Mezzo (left, and further away) and the Pluto (right).Note that the former being further away is not a bit of carelessness of mine, but a quite deliberate placement. I learnt from my first Gypsy Chimes recordings (back in November) that for best results those particular chimes need to be placed further from the microphones than the Woodstock or bamboo chimes (at least, those that I have), on account of their more penetrating and potentially overpowering tone. the other way from near the top of the track ascending from Fingle Bridge, which latter is hidden way down below. The recorder is about 25 metres behind me, just a little down the slope from this track. Recording made with a Sony PCMM10 on a Velbon minitripod, using the builtin microphones covered with a Rode Dead Kitten. Please note that all recordings from 5th January to 2nd Feb 2013, inclusive (i.e. including this one) did not receive any correction for highfrequency attenuation caused by the new Rode Dead Kitten windshield. Subsequently I was able to work out a graphic EQ profile to apply to all recordings that used that windshield, and have applied it retrospectively but I have no plans to go through the hassle of reuploading here the recordings that originally missed out on that correction. Therefore, copies of recordings made in that period, including this one, which I supply on CDs or as licensed copies for commercial use, will have better sound quality and will sound clearer, more 'present', and with more precision of detail than what you hear from here. Please note that only very good speakers / headphones with a very extended and flat frequency response will do this recording real justice, and, as already noted, lesser speakers / headphones would make this sound quite fatiguing to listen to. Please also note that the volume level of this recording has been carefully adjusted for listening purposes, and ALL my recordings so far are meant to be listened to with a volume setting that would give a realistic level for playback of CLASSICAL music (a large but not exceptional symphony orchestra). If you have the right volume setting, you should not need to change that setting from one recording of mine to another.(Later note: This recording with better sound than here is on one of my commercial CDs, and can be found in my eStore.) Please remember to give this recording a rating
描述:2012年11月28日,我带了一大一小两套便宜的竹制风铃和两套Music of the Spheres Gypsy(优质金属)风铃高音和中音尺寸,后两者的声音融合得非常好。我打算把风铃挂在一周前用来录音的那棵树上,地点是在英国德文郡泰恩河谷过陡部分北侧的猎人路边的Sharp Tor,高处。这次的风向是东北方向,没有充分到达沿途的任何地方,我最后很不情愿地走到山坡的高处,几乎到了山顶,那里有一股寒风吹过来,把树枝吹动了一下。我把风铃挂在一棵树上,做了一次录音,但在进行了近10分钟相当温和的活动后,风更大了,然后似乎是持续的强风,所以我又搬到附近一棵没有那么强风的树上,做了进一步的录音,包括这一次。 在这么高的地方并不理想,因为谷底的泰恩河的声音虽然仍然可以听到,但只是间接地、微弱地听到,所以,在听录音时,很难分辨背景中非常微弱的连续吼声是什么性质的。另外,在这里,我非常接近覆盖在山顶宽阔处的放牧草场,这样做的一个结果是,这一天的所有录音中都有远处牛群发出的微弱的呻吟声,而这些牛群离得很远,看不见。 这段录音是球体音乐的吉普赛风铃,有女高音和女中音两种尺寸。这些吉普赛风铃,以其特殊的音色和对某种东欧音阶的调谐,在远处听起来就像一些幽灵般的风琴演奏。当我用这些风铃录音时,路过的人往往会自发地用 "鬼魅 "和 "神奇 "这样的词。 这是30多分钟的完整录音中的5分钟节选。这张照片显示了我2012年11月28日的录音室几乎在蒂恩峡谷北侧的顶部,并斜着面向它。注意,这是我第一次学习使用吉普赛风铃,为了达到最佳效果,吉普赛风铃离录音机的距离要比我这一天实际使用的距离大一倍,因为它的音色比我的其他风铃更强,更有穿透力。 用索尼PCMM10在Hama迷你三脚架上进行录音,用Rycote Mini Windjammer覆盖的内置话筒。我在WavePad中使用了一个图形均衡器,以补偿Windjammer造成的轻微消音。我警告说,当这段录音通过容易产生轰鸣声的扬声器/耳机播放时,麦克风中的风噪必然会听起来太具干扰性;为了使这些录音真正听起来正确,确实需要具有扩展和平坦低音响应的优质高保真扬声器。请注意,这段录音的音量是经过仔细调整的,到目前为止,我所有的录音都是要用一个音量设置来听的,这个音量设置可以为古典音乐(一个大型但不特别的交响乐团)的播放提供一个真实的水平。如果你有正确的音量设置,你应该不需要从我的一个录音中改变这个设置。 N.B.最初我给所有这天的录音都削减了3dB的低频,以在一定程度上减轻麦克风中的风声,所以这里所有这天的录音节选都有这个低频削减。 然而,随后,在仔细聆听时,特别是通过我的体面的高保真扬声器,我得出的结论是,麦克风中的风噪并没有达到真正需要这种处理的程度,因此,我随后将这些低音频率恢复到完整的录音中,通过我的高保真扬声器听到的声音明显改善。 请记得给这个录音打分!