Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №14.

许可:CC-BY 保留署名许可协议
描述:这些不同类型的山核桃鼓槌的样本用Reaper和MAudio FireWire 410声卡录制。所有这些声音都被AKG D5麦克风拾取。
标签: 特殊 尼龙 RockN 专业版 鼓槌 山核桃 节拍器 PROMARK 2B L Lutner A 点击 提示 样本 木材 2BN 7B 三月 PROMARK 5A 马克 DC 坚持
文件: wav / 48.6 KB / 717 kbps
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Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №3.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №4.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №3.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №2.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №1.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №18.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №17.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №18a.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №16.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №2.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №19.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №28.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №21.