Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks close high №6.

许可:CC-BY 保留署名许可协议
标签: 点击 小鼓 鼓槌 节拍器
文件: wav / 32.9 KB / 720 kbps
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Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks click №3.
Hihat(charlestons),鼓棒,小鼓和镲片,听起来不错 " 鼓棒 点击 №1.
实用音符 " 节拍器2 16bitmono
实用音符 " 节拍器1 16bitmono
高脚椅(Charlestons)、鼓棒、小鼓和镲片的声音 " 06b小鼓光滑的镲片 小鼓
高脚椅(charlestons),鼓棒,小鼓和钹,听起来不错 " 鼓棒 简单的点击 №1.
高脚椅(Charlestons)、鼓棒、小鼓和镲片,听起来不错 " 06c小鼓光滑的镲片 小鼓
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks powerclick №4a.
高脚椅(charlestons)、鼓棒、小鼓和镲片,听起来不错 " 鼓棒 点击№4(大声)。
Hihat(charlestons),鼓棒,小鼓和镲片,听起来不错 " 鼓棒 点击№2。
高脚椅(charlestons)、鼓棒、小鼓和镲片,听起来不错 " 鼓棒 点击№3(不响)。
高脚椅(charlestons)、鼓棒、小鼓和镲片,听起来不错 " 鼓棒 点击№2(不沉默
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №29.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №22.
Hihat (charlestons), drumsticks, snares and cymbals that sounds good " Drumsticks №20.