帆船 90ft " Lovis ship sailboat below deck small cabin water sloshing around, wood creaks, howling wind +someone enter and

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帆船90英尺 " Lovis船 帆船在甲板下的餐厅,平静的海面上,水在船体周围晃动,木头吱吱作响,一些人的动作。
帆船 90ft " Lovis ship sailboat below deck mess hall with engine running and light voices and activity
帆船 90英尺 " 洛维丝船 帆船甲板下的大船舱,发动机正在运行。
帆船 90ft " Lovis ship sailboat below deck big cabin calm seas water sloshing around hull, metal clanging outside on right.
帆船 90英尺 " 洛维斯船 帆船甲板下的小船舱,发动机全速运转
帆船 90ft " Lovis ship sailboat below deck mess room in rough seas wood creaks, water bubbles sloshing around hull no cutl
帆船 90英尺 " 洛维丝船 帆船甲板下的小船舱,发动机全速运转,靠近发动机
帆船 90ft " Lovis ship sailboat below deck small cabin water sloshing around, wood creaks, howling wind +someone enter and
帆船 90ft " Lovis ship sailboat below deck small cabin with engine running full speed wall midroom further from engine
帆船 90ft " Lovis ship sailboat below deck small cabin with engine running idle and go slowly, various gear shifts
帆船 90ft " Lovis ship 帆船甲板下狭长的走廊,水在船体周围晃动,木船的声音
帆船 90ft " Lovis ship sailboat below deck tight hallway water sloshing around and strong wood and metal creaks next to mas
帆船90英尺 " Lovis船 帆船甲板下的杂物间在波涛汹涌的海面上木头吱吱作响,水泡在船体周围晃动,偶尔会出现
帆船90英尺" Lovis船 帆船金属甲板索具嘎嘎作响
帆船 90ft " Lovis ship 帆船甲板下的木头吱吱作响,紧挨着桅杆底部,强烈的凉意+水声荡漾。